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Review: Microsoft Live Mail Beta

I saw a little sign on my hotmail telling me to try out Microsoft Live Mail Beta, and I was thinking that hotmail needed improvement anyways. So why not try it out, and they probably wouldnt release a Beta if it wasnt good.


I was completely off! Hotmail was a bit annoying sometimes, but Microsoft Live is completely missing basica features! U seriously can operate an email normally! They have two different views the Hotmail looking view or the Microsoft Outlook looking view for Microsoft Live. And neither have better functionality then the normal Hotmail.


  • When you compose an email you dont have access to quick contacts, you have to go to your full contact list and choose a bunch.
  • You cant pull emails from your pop-account.
  • You cant go back to your old hotmail setup, because you have access to sign up to live later. So Im stuck with it until they fix things.
  • There is no “Not Junkmail Button”
  • It is difficult to edit your contact list.
  • Whats the point of making it ajax when everything has to keep loading up!
  • You cant just save one message being sent like before. It will make you go into settings to save all the sent messages or none.

Im going to go nuts here! I cant go back, because then I cant use the full functioning site! I will just have to shift everything to gmail now. Thank you Microsoft more making me hate your product more.

The only reason it got half a point is because I could still access my email!

Rating: r0.5.bmp