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Slightly Dazed


Last night I was operating on low battery, its like when your phone keeps beeping for a charge but you keep it on and you keep making phone calls. I picked up a lot of movies last night from Hawally, so I found a new guy who is got some clear movies and I always ask for DVD copies. The one thing about that area in Hawally is that there really is no parking, and its like a bumper car situation, two cars bumped me and both were women drivers and I was parked! I didn’t care and told them to go ahead since I knew the landcruiser would be fine. So I flew home to meet up with Mark to watch 24 before the guys get there.

I have to say that this episode pissed me off in a good way! This where things get interesting, there are multiple story lines developing throughout the story and you don’t know where any of them are going to lead, and there are a few people that I hate in the show and I want to kick their ass. There is nothing more that I can say, I want to see the next episode!

Then we watched a few movies, but it seemed everyone was tired and I was the one staying up even though I got the least amount of sleep, maybe its because I wanted to watch the movie.  The dinner was the funny part, everyone ripped through it which surprised me, I kept going at the fried shrimp with the “special sauce.” And my cousin kept eating Kubbah with lebnah, there was also a good amount of chicken so everyone was eating. And everyone had to leave early because of work, but only a few of us remained to watch the other movie. It was a good chill night, but I think I will be relaxing only a little this weekend.