Today was a bit of a hectic day, the type your on the phone back and forth, running around and talking to people. It was nonstop! I even had a presentation to put together which wasn’t too bad, but it needed slightly more substance and the formating needed improvement. I was really running around with zero time, didn’t get much to eat too much on my mind. Thanks to some coworkers they did the formating for me while I was in some important meetings and they turned the bland slides to some AMAZING styles, I called each and every one of them after work and thanked them for the complete reformatting. It was great, and I really appreciated all the help and support from my coworkers so I’m getting them all Krispy Kreme! hehehe!
I didn’t have a chance to ride this weekend because of the weird weather, but as soon as I got off work around 6:40pm I got home changed got on my bike and went straight to the gym for about 40 minutes of cardio. After that I head home to change and go to my cousin’s dewaneya, but right after the shower I felt exhausted. But before going out I had a salad and grilled chicken while watching one episode of anime. It was good and then I headed out to the dewaneya. It was good night, and I was happy I got some riding in today. I still have a few things to take care of tomorrow but it isn’t too bad.
Going to be an interesting week, I just hope the weekend weather will be good so I can ride. It sounds really bad outside with thunder and a bit windy, I wonder how its going to be in the morning.