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ZDistrict 1 Yr Old


21st of February 2006 was my first Post

I would like to thank some people!

  • Ananyah:
    • She helped me by putting this site together and helped me understand how the hell wordpress worked, and I annoyed the hell out of her on a millions things and for that thank you!
  • Jacqui:
    • Helping figure out what the hell plug-ins were and giving my site a 2nd revamp since I would have done a horrible job!

When I can’t access my blog for one reason or another which is out of my control it literally drives me nuts, and I feel disconnected. I also what to thank all the people that constantly visit this little hive of random posts! I don’t think its a birthday but that my blog is getting more mature. Hopefully this will keep going for a while to come. I still have a lot to talk about and info to post so its going to keep going for a while.