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Day Going By!


Its just one of those days where at the end of the night you wonder what the hell happened all day!

  • 6:00am (Woke Up)
  • 7:00am (Got Stuck in Traffic)
  • 7:40am (At work)
  • 9:00am (Started a Presentation)
  • 1:00pm (Finished a Presenation)
  • 4:00pm (Went for one last meeting)
  • 5:00pm (Got a good bit to eat at home)
  • 5:30pm (At airport some family was arriving and wanted to see them)
  • 6:00pm (Got home)
  • 8:00pm (Stopped playing Oblivion since its so damn addictive and I had to go to my grand parents house for a family dinner which was fun)
  • 10:00pm (Got home)
  • 10:05pm (I am on the net)
  • 1:20 am (Went to sleep)

And I will probably wake up at 6:30am at this rate!