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Eid Day One


Its funny how the first day of Eid went, it was a very nice day but ran around quite a bit.

Started off going to Eid Prayer after getting a few hours of sleep.

Then played Halo 3 for a two hours before passing out for two hours, and then I got up at 10am and headed to see some family.

I managed to go and visit about 6 houses in total in a few different areas, and it was one hell of a fun drive in between all of them. I manage to get a rassberry frapacino as I am going between family because I really wanted one during the day.

I loved driving fast in the semi-empty roads since a lot of people were still asleep.

I got home by 2 pm to go to someone’s house for lunch, and I finished up around 4:10pm to head home and go for some quality riding.

I got on the bike by 4:25pm and I was out going nuts on the roads, with the beautiful weather and sunny feeling.

Got home by 6:00pm, took a shower and went straight to the basement for a solid 3 hours of Halo 3 Multiplayer, and I was very happy with my performance! A friend joined up with me on Halo 3 online, I kept him with me on Halo 3 teams while I would rip people to shreds, I’m damn good at this game! I don’t always win but I’m always number 2 or 1!

Then watched a movie with a friend and had some pizza, then I ended the night with some anime and Gossip Girl!

A real full day of entertainment, it really did feel like a good day!