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M*A*S*H – Full DVD Collection


The first time I saw MASH was on Star World on the satellite channel after the Gulf War, I would come back from school and right after lunch I would sit in front of the TV to watch the show that I loved. Listening to the opening song made me feel something strange, a good feeling and somehow I knew everyone on TV. I remembered that they were in such a serious situation but always in a jovial moo, they were saving lives but thought nothing of it and they cared about each and every person that they had to heal. I love Pierce and Honnicut, they were always up to something and driving Burns and Charles mad with their antics. Klinger and Radar were the funny office clerks, and then there so many others that I enjoyed. I really did like all the characters, and now all 11 seasons are available on DVD with all the extras.

Price: $168

Link: UnCrate