Posted in
Anime on 03 Apr 2008 at 9:15 am

Rampage of downloads the past couple of weeks have led my collection of anime to increase, downloading even old shows I have watched to Archive. Code Geass is anime I can’t stop watching it is ridiculous how good it is, and I love Mecha animes. Then there is Gun X Sword that I have to get into the swing of things since I really forgot which episode I was on last year.
- Bleach
- Code Geass
- Eyeshield 21 (Waiting For Episodes)
- Initial D – Second Stage
- Gun X Sword
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Planetes (On the back burner)

- DGray-man
- Gundam 00
- Kiss Dum – Engage Planet
- Souten No Ken

Completed Downloads:
- Baccano
- Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
- Berserk
- Bokurano
- Gankutsuou
- GaoGaiGar
- GaoGaiGar Final
- Heroic Age
- Kateikyoushi Hitman
- Kyou Kara Maou
- Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- My Hime
- Oh Edo Rocket
- One Piece
- Paranoia Agent
- Saiyuki Reload
- Saiyuki Reload Gunlock
- Welcome To NHK