It was a crazy week so we decide to have a rather entertaining weekend. Thursday the guys came over as usual, a little late but still showed up. The point of this weekend was to have a bit of a movie marathon and a really good early morning breakfast. Movies were up for choice, and there were some interesting movies that were picked, and then the point was to stay up even though I knew I couldn’t, I think out of everyone I managed to get the most amount of sleep.
The first two I saw from the beginning, but the other two I slep through more then 50% of them since they were played throughout the night. There did involved some Battlefield Bad Company and Rock Band in between. And we switched locations since the other place was more comfortable, and I woke up after two hours of sleep and saw 7 guys passed out all around, it was hilarious. Some slept a little more and some didn’t sleep. It was a crazy day, and there was still a lot left to do.