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Breaking 99


The first stage of losing weight was breaking the 99 KG goal, and now I can say I have broken that point. I have managed to drop about 7 KG over the course of 5 weeks, since I started this the first week of march. I’m not starving myself but I really cut back on the quantities that I’m eating, and I do eat healthy in between. The best part about all this is my bike gear is fitting me again, still got some ways to go but it was an improvement over breathing in and holding to close the jacket, its still a bit tight but a lot better then before.

I’m not counting calories or working out yet, just sticking to water and healthier food then usual. Eating smaller portions then usual helps a lot, you can walk away from the table feeling light, that you are able to get some work done. I eat my muchboos and other items but in smaller portions so I can enjoy the taste without having to eat to the point of passing out. I have mostly cut out fast food without realizing it, and sticking to water only is easy as long as I’m in the movies. I have gone to a few restaurants that I prefer their food when eating light because its tasty and you feel satisfied.


  • Rocca Salad
  • Mushroom Soup


  • Turkey Sandwich


  • Maki Marina Salad
  • Issa Maki