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Rediculous Night


It has been one hell of a night, I had a late night meeting with an engineer and I finished that up before the guys came over.

The craziest thing was seeing who ate and didn’t eat chocolate, I kept my eye on the bag that was being attacked before and after dinner. I have to say that it seems people like chocolate, I had three Bounty bars, am I putting on weight? Maybe, but I felt damn good eating that Bounty. I know I need to loose weight after a week like this! Just rediculous, and damn funny.

We watched The Marine which has to be one of the funniest action movies I have seen in a while, we were all laughing because it was so orchestrated and this guy just couldn’t die and he was noting short of indestructible. It was a good night!

Tomorrow I’m going to be riding to work, and the only thing thats going to stop me is rain and nothing else! I want to ride! I also need to get a shave because my beard has gotten rediculous and its just uncalled for! So I’m looking forward to that.