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The Night


It was a chill night. While I was waiting for Mark to come by so we can watch 24 Episode 11 before people strat showing up I was playing Lost Planet and after playing one level almost seven times I finally beat that damn huge monster so I was so happy about it that I kept on playing without a second thought. But then I realized that it’s time for 24 and the episodes are getting insane and I really need to see the next episode! One character that showed up that I wasn’t expecting this show just keeps getting more intense and I wanted to know what is going to happen next. There is a lot to find out!

Then we watched some Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear since when I passed by Hawally it turned out that the Ministry raided the DVD guys so there was nothing to pick up. And we continued to watch Top Gear since the Bastard was hilarious and annoying at the same time. They had blatantly bad comparisons, but it was still pretty funny and then we chowed down on some good food. A bunch of us were pretty tired and slowly passing out, but it was a fun relaxing night. I almost made them watch anime but some guys were going to kill me.

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