Plot Summary: In the latter half of 21st century, humans leave the Earth and begin to live in space. In order to adapt to the environment in space and deal with the hostile aliens in Jupiter, genetically engineered children called “Princes” are artificially raised and trained to be pilots of armed robots “AHSMB (Advanced High Standard Multipurpose Battle Device). This is a story about one of the teenage “Princes”, Hitachi O Izuru, who studies in an academic city Grandzehle.
One of the funner Mecha Animes from this season, I do enjoy most Mecha shows just because I love Mecha anime so much but this one had a great story and I loved the development in it. The characters were serious but fun, they were in a difficult spot but I love how the machines turned out to be a lot more then just machines, an extension of the pilot themselves. As the show progresses more and more is revealed about the Wulgaru, and it just keeps getting more intense. A very well done mecha anime with a decent story line and awesome mechas. I honestly love the combination of CG and drawing in this anime, it is an excellent mix, for any Mecha fan you will enjoy this.
Link: ANN
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